The Realm
My Life Now


My Childhood
My Life Now
My Teenage Years
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Things About Me

My Childhood...

I grew up in a rather sheltered lifestyle as far as being a kid goes. Our christian fundamentalist parents wouldn't let us watch those great cartoons every other regular child watched like 'The Smurfs', 'Carebears', and other old classics for the so-called "magical" content that was considered "demonic". This strange concept also kept us from enjoying great cereals like 'Lucky Charms' or 'Flintstones' because they represented things that they considered "Anti-Christ". Needless to say, I had come out of it alive, but with a few psychological bruises. It felt very unfair and really stupid to grow up that way. We were restrained from many fun, innocent child-hood things. It really wasn't too bad though, because I was raised with many great things in my life, and parents, paranoid or not, really cared!
I started homeschooling my kindergarten at age 4 and could already read and do math. My mom decided she couldn't do the work anymore and planned to put me into public school. I took an IQ evaluation (kinda like Meap) and they put me into First grade. It started out rocky. I have no idea why the other kids disliked me. It grew worse when an ignorant first grade teacher bullied me in front of the whole class for an incident I could not understand. The insulting display pretty much shaped how kids would treat me on through elementary school. 
Soon, into elementary, everyone noticed I could really draw. It was something I started to really get into when I was about 4 years old. I went on to compete and win in many art contests. This continued on into high school. My skills improved only because I would draw and draw and draw.
At age 8 or 9, my parents divorced. It was very rocky in my home for years, which made my attempts in school ill done. I was terribly upset for years. But I soon got over it.
7th grade came around, and my mom was already remarrying to this nice guy who is a cop/detective for arenac county. Right now, he's a prison guard, and seems to be enjoying it a lot. I was so uncomfortable in junior high school. None of my friends were in my classes anymore, and the term "scrubber" was thrown at us frequently, by other older classmates. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

Me at 10 years old

Me at 10 years old

Short haircut!

You can tell I realized the hair was not me, I hated my hair this short!


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies when I was a kid:

Home Alone, Batman and Batman Returns, Back to the Future 1,2,3, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Indiana Jones movies

Here's a list of some of my favorite shows as a kid:
Garfield & friends,
Jem & The Rockers,
Sesame Street,
PeeWee's Playhouse,
The Muppet Show